Monday, September 30, 2013

The Big Change {Fashion & OOTD Post}

So!As I mentioned in my last post I started a new job this week! Finally moving on to a big girl job! Ultimately I believe that I would like to go into banking and financial advising. SO Today I started at Suntrust! I am going to start posting more frequently about how to look stylish in the office! I am starting to find its hard to keep one's fashion identity when you are confined to suits! I have found alternate ways to spice up my outfits!

First Day of Work!

First off I found this AMAZING unique blazer on super sale! Like... 30 dollars yall! Not even kind of kidding! I am seriously big on the super sales now a days! My Go-to pants are always Banana Republic because they make petites and lets face it my legs are quite stumpy! If you are lucky like I am there is a factory store somewhere near to you and you can get them on sale! Because lets face it, when will black pants ever truly go out of style! I absolutely adore my vintage jewelry that has been passed down from my great grandmother and I have really loved using it to spice up the usually boring outfits! Since today was my first day I did not want to go too crazy so I paired it with this lovely heart locket that Daniel had gotten for me awhile back! And my shoes came from my favorite place to find shoes Off Broadway!

So I decided that if I had a new job I was going to change everything up! I cut all of my hair off and am absolutely loving it! It is so much easier to do in the morning and truly a blessing to only spend 10 minutes on my hair!

What big changes are yall making for the fall!?


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